     Unfathomably, everything that we know to exist on our planet including the moons, other planets even their moons, the sun and all the stars in the sky that make up our Milky Way galaxy, all the other billions of galaxies beyond with their stars, clouds and gases and all the dead stars and black holes that we no longer see all amount to less than 5% of the universe. Furthermore we don’t have the foggiest idea if space goes on forever, what created it or whether it is just one of many multiverses.   

     Interestingly, just over one light-year away from where you are probably reading this lies one of the nearest recognised earth-like planets better known as Violer 16g. The planet is nearly double the size of earth and orbits around its planet star every three and a half days meaning each half a week spent there in our time would be a new year. It is thought to have a habitable atmosphere similar to our own due to the temperature being right for holding liquid water on its surface. It is believed that for some time now, every six weeks to be exact and at this very moment, a sequence of electromagnetic radiation signals have been transmitting from this planet to earth and have been doing so for the last seventy five years.

     Ingeniously, four years ago a group of scientists from a planet detector observatory in southern England begun to decode these messages and found them to contain startling information...

     Astonishingly, a ship capable of light-speed travel has secretly been designed and built on earth.

     Regrettably, piloting the ship rests with Burt Grenadier, a recovering alcoholic on an arson charge.

Next Chapter


    I'm learning about space and writing Science Fiction with a comedy twist


    November 2013

